Okay, I know this sounds bad- but I need you guys to listen to me! I know right about now you are wanting to scream your heads off at me, and for a good reason, but I just need maybe 5 minutes to explain. Okay? Okay.


It all started last night, I was up late texting Jeremy, Sarah, and Timothy, you guys know how much we’ve been wanting to have a group costume for the Halloween dance- so, anyway, last night we finally decided to all go as the band members of Kiss, instead of the Mario Kart characters… big mistake.


Fast forward to this morning I woke up extra early to get ready, you know with the wig, makeup, and the costume. I was so excited and ready to find my friends at school and have a great day showing off all of our efforts to everyone. But, of course, that’s not what happened, or else I wouldn’t be in this situation in the first place.


What had happened was right as I was making my way to school in my car, I realized that I needed to deposit some cash for the week so I decided to just make a quick stop at the bank, I thought it was going to look weird as I was still in my costume but I quickly dismissed the thought, as I could always explain to the employee why I was in such a fashion.


So, there I was, walking in the bank, I may have gotten one or two strange looks but I didn’t think much of it. I began talking to the lady in the front and saw the looks she was giving me, so I decided to put her at ease, I told her, that it was just a costume for a party that night. The transaction, I thought, was going well, but apparently, she had thought I was there to rob a bank and had contacted the police reporting her suspicion that there was a serious robbery occurring.  


Before I knew it, about 10 police officers were right behind me in the building all pointing guns at me and screaming out orders, I was so scared, so I just put my hands up slowly as they had told me. Right then and there they arrested me, all I could think about in that moment was: I am so screwed, I’m going to miss my science exam!


I got brought down to the station, this was probably when you guys were called, anyways, I told them my side of the story, it took them a while to check everything out and said I was free to leave. That’s when you both came to pick me up ready to yell… and here we are.


So, mom, dad can I still go to the dance tonight?



Greenville Daily News. “Follow Huntington Bank Robbery.” Flickr, 9 Nov. 2011, www.flickr.com/photos/greenvilledailynews/6331388277.